A new optical system manages to capture very accurate images of Neptune – La República CE


The European Southern Observatory (ESO) long-range telescope was able to capture extremely accurate images of Neptune, stellar clusters and other objects in Chile through a new method. Optical Correcting Atmospheric Turbulence at Different Altitudes

Image capture was possible with the help of the pioneering MUSE instrument, capable of correcting the effects of atmospheric turbulence up to ########################################################################################## 39, one kilometer above the telescope in wide field mode and with laser tomography.

The combination of the sharpness of the image and the capabilities of MUSE made possible greater clarity than the images that could have been captured with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.

With these capabilities, the UT-4 telescope that is part of the ESO's long-range telescope will allow astronomers to study objects of unprecedented detail such as supermbadive black holes, thrown jets by young stars and supernovas.

Until now, the turbulence of the atmosphere was a challenge for taking pictures, because the stars were twinkling at the naked eye. fuzzy images of the Universe

The laser topography, however, with its four bright lasers, allows to project to the sky columns of intense light that, combined with the adaptive optics system , allow to determine the atmospheric turbulence, to compensate deformations and to correct the deformed light. EFE

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