A RECORD NUMBER: Liverpool's offer by Alisson


Source: StudioFootball

Alison Becker had good performances with Roma in Serie A and especially in the Champions League where he became the pillar of the box 'Loba'.

good performances gave him the title in the Brazilian bow at the World Cup in Russia where they were eliminated in the quarter-final against Belgium.

This has served to big clubs like Real Madrid, PSG, Chelsea and Liverpool for the 25-year-old goalie's services.

Exactly Liverpool proposed to throw the house out the window and make a mega effort to take the Brazilian goalkeeper and proposed 70 million euros to the Italian table, Rome is considering the proposal as it does not. is not far from the 74.5 million euros that she asks.

If this transfer were to take place, Alisson Becker would become the most expensive archer in history, surpbading the million euros that Juventus paid to Parma for Gianluigi Buffon in 2001. [19659007]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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