A transgender student from Florida wins the demand to use his bathroom


Drew Adams, a trans student from Florida, won the battle against discrimination and can now use the men's washroom at Nease High School, as determined by a federal judge.

El Joven, who began his transition to the eighth grade male, he filed a lawsuit against the school because he was only allowed to use the restroom for women or unibad. A position he found "unfair and degrading".

The judge's verdict recognizes Adams' badual identity and allows him to finish the last year of high school by making good use of the facilities, without rejecting his identity. bad

Adams' attorney, Omar González Pagán, spoke with NTN24 and stated that "in this case, what was achieved was respect for the identity from Drew, not only access to the restroom but also access and respect "Denying constant access to the gender identity of any student is a violation of the constitutional and civil rights of these young people and would not only be illegal but would expose any school district to damages and a conviction, "added Gonzalez.

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