A woman who killed eight babies was captured


A woman, a health care professional from Chester Hospital, was captured after being found suspicious in the killing of eight babies and attempted murder of six others, according to local police, according to the EFE news agency. The investigation, which takes place in the neonatal unit of the hospital after the death of 17 babies and is led by Inspector Paul Hughes, will investigate injuries sustained by 15 children between June 2015 and June 2016. The authorities were alerted 2017 because of the growing number of minors who died in this same period.

The inspector baderted that the investigation is "complex" but that "it is still going on" to determine the cause of infant death. Hughes added that his team consulted "many specialists" to understand the nature of the case.

For now, the suspect is in custody, but the inspector pointed out that the investigation was still ongoing

. We have set deadlines, but we are committed to reaching conclusions in this comprehensive investigation as soon as possible, "said Hughes, adding that the families of the deceased children receive daily reports on the investigation.

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