Abidal denies the rumors of illegal purchase of organs


05 July 2018, 13:52

The ex-player and current technical secretary of Barcelona, ​​Eric Abidal, asks for the respect of his cousin, who would have been the donor of the liver transplant.

Former French player Eric Abidal shared an image on social networks with his cousin at the hospital, who would have been the donor of the liver transplant

This after the accusations published by a Spanish newspaper about the alleged purchase of organs illegally by FC Barcelona for its cancer treatment in 2012.

"I want to ask respect to my cousin Gerard and defend his honor. I publicly denounce the attitude of some media that continue to question the legality of an intervention that has saved my life.It's enough! I demand respect for all who have lived or who are going through a similar situation, "writes Abidal in her Twitter account.

According to the newspaper El Confidencial, in conversations that were held by the Guardia Civil, former president Sandro Rosell Azulgrana reportedly had a conversation in which he reportedly commented on illegally buying an organ in Abidal, who had been diagnosed with cancer.

Due to the controversy aroused, the Barcelona Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating whether there are elements requesting the reopening of the case and expanding the information of the case filed in last April.

With the publication of this image I want to ask respect to my cousin Gerard and defend his honor.
I publicly denounce the attitude of some media that continue to question the legality of an intervention that has saved my life! pic.twitter.com/d8Nui1bJWQ

– Eric Abidal (@EAbidalOfficial) July 5, 2018

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