AFTER THE DEFEAT BEFORE DAUPHIN – Pablo Repetto: "We lost by punctual games"


Source: StudioFútbol

After the defeat of Liga de Quito against Delfín by 2 goals to 0 for the first date of the second stage of the HAVOLINE Lubricants Cup spoke the director of "albos" in the conference Press.

The Uruguayan began by saying, "This area is hard for everyone, but it's not an excuse." We could not say the odds we had, can -being that they were not clear.The goal comes from a stopped ball and it is there that we had anxiety.We could not maintain the structure. It was not bad our party, we had generated but without clarity We lost by punctual games They were effective and we were not. "

On the performance of Vínicio Espinel, Referee of the match, he commented: "From the referee you speak, I have my opinion but I have it in reserve, out of respect.I also reserve the players thing.I will tell everyone. "

The strategist" albo "commented at the end:" We have not lost because of this, not being able to rely on the ships transferred to Cruzeiro, but because we do not We did not focus on specific games. ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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