Almada: "The only thing that counts now, it's to be a champion"


Source: StudioFútbol

Guillermo Almada, technical director of the Barcelona Sporting Club, spoke with RADIO CARAVANA about what happened during the first stage of the Ecuadorian championship 2018 and general goal second round of the competition.

"We are satisfied with most of the tournament, in the middle there was a drop in performance, resulting in some serious injuries in some positions." We needed better preparation, "said the Uruguayan strategist. [19659002] In trying to fight the championship, he commented: "Obviously, the only thing that matters now is to be a champion. But we made a very good score in the first phase, but La Liga did a great tournament and took it right. Whoever plays best wins. "

" Against the League, I think we do not deserve to lose, but the results are like that. We have not had any injured players right now, I think we are fine. There are always things to improve, we continue to coordinate the things we need to change, "said Almada

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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