Almada: "We must continue to improve collectively"


Source: StudioFútbol

Guillermo Almada, technical director of the Barcelona Sporting Club, talks with the media after the victory of "yellow" against El Nacional (3-1), for the first time of the second stage of the Ecuadorian championship 2018.

"We had a fast pace, we knew that it was going to feel the rival in the second half." We corrected the defensive mistakes in the first half. the intensity got complicated with time, "said the Uruguayan strategist.

"Yes, we are creating situations and I think we rightly deserve.It was a fair result.It was difficult, when the opponent is playing you ahead in But we found more clarity and so the goals came to gain the 3 points. "

" We must continue to improve collectively, but we are happy for the level we are at, "said Almada [19659002] Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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