Álvaro Leyva Sánchez on repression and violence in Nicaragua


Álvaro Leyva Sánchez, secretary of the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights, spoke with NTN24 about the concern that "our lives are not guaranteed as human rights defenders. We are in a situation of institutional anarchy, a situation in which we have practically fallen into a state that has practices of SD violations. HH "

Since" life and civic and peaceful protest or protest, as a human and constitutional right, represents the distance between life and death, "added Sánchez.

Similarly, Sánchez denounced "in Nicaragua a deep crisis of violation of human rights", which has spawned "more than 700 complaints from citizens who have been kidnapped and do not know where they are" . 19659002] "The operation of the police institution is badisted by groups that fall outside the framework of the law known as paramilitary groups and shock forces at the end of the party's ideological government that has generated more deaths and illegal acts deepen the violation of human rights in Nicaraguan society, "he added.

Finally, Sanchez noted that "our Catholic Church as well as human rights organizations We are making great efforts to quickly restore social peace to prevent further bloodshed" because "there was excessive force that violated the fundamental right to life."


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