Álvaro Uribe breaks a rib when a horse falls


The former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe (2002-2010) was the victim of an accident in the department of Córdoba (north) when it fell from the ground. a horse and fractured a coast, a situation that will have "a month

This was reported by the exmandatario and the senator, who noted in his Twitter account that everything s & # 39; happened when " began the season of field work " and that " Caño broke the circumference of a filly " that led to its fall. [19659003Uribe added that he had been treated at the Imat clinic in Montería, capital of Cordoba, and thanked "the medical team and the badistants" The "tremendous" attention "

After the accident, the elected president, Iván Duque stated in the same social network that he spoke with Uribe and was satisfied with t of his state of health

" A few minutes ago, I had op I speak with President Álvaro Uribe Vélez and I am happy to know that he is in good health. We are waiting for his speedy recovery "he wrote

This is not the first time that Uribe suffered an accident of this type because he also suffered a fall in 2012

. December 2010 had a similar accident in a horse on his property Llano Grande, rural area of ​​the municipality of Rionegro, in the department of Antioquia (north-west).

On this occasion, Uribe suffered a hit in one of the knees, which caused an injury and had to resort to a health center. EFE


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