AMLO considered a "revenge" fine of the INE to his party


July 20, 2018, 17:43

The National Electoral Institute of Mexico fined the Morena Party $ 10.2 million for violating the campaign's funding rules.

Mexico's elected president, Andres Manuel López Obrador, considered an "ugly revenge" fined $ 10.2 million imposed by the National Electoral Institute to his political party for violating the campaign financing rules.

Through his Twitter account, López Obrador He pointed out that they were neither corrupt nor illegal.

Vidal Llerenas, a member of the Morena party, spoke with NTN24 about the fine and said that "it is an attempt by INE to play a role in In the same way, Llerenas added that "the INE is not the authority that should have sanctioned because the resources are not public and the destination is not not either, that is, that it was not made an electoral use in elections or in partisan affairs, so there is no room for a penalty for that. "

editorial NTN24

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