Ángel Mena: "I am pleased with the opportunity in the national team and we hope to make the most of it"


Radio Huancavilca

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Source: StudioFootball

Everyone is already in New Jersey and is working on the RNBY Training Facility, in the match that will take place Tuesday, March 23 against Honduras.

Angel Mena, one of the most sought-after supporters, told the media: "I am happy with the opportunity offered by the selection and hope to make the most of it, win the match what we all want Here, there are no friendlies and we intend to play well and win. "

"It will always be important for us to have participation with the national team, it's a pride for us to represent the country," said Mena. He also commented on his ability to face the circumstances and score goals in Tuesday's game.

Remember that the match between Ecuador and Honduras will take place Tuesday at 7:30 pm at Red Bull Arena New Jersey.


Angel Mena in @RadioHuancavilk

"We are happy with the opportunity offered by the selection and we must make the most of it" pic.twitter.com/7NZMifeoQG

– Radio Huancavilca830 (@RadioHuancavilk) March 24, 2019

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