Announcement of the largest Latin American waste classification plant in Quito


Illustration of a projection of what will be the new solid waste separation plant built by Valoriza in Quito

Valoriza-Quito, a subsidiary of the Spanish company Valoriza Ecosoluciones, has announced that it was ready to build in Quito the largest and most sophisticated waste clbadification plant in the Western Hemisphere after winning an international public tender call called by the Municipality of Quito.

The factory will make Quito the city of reference in America. Latina in the matter of waste management.

Currently, Quito is a city that generates more than 2,000 tons of garbage per day, of which only 1% is clbadified, while the rest goes directly to the Inga landfill. This represents high disposal costs for the municipality, as well as a lost opportunity to extract items that could be exploitable.

The plant that Valoriza plans to build in Quito will have a processing capacity of 160 tons of waste per hour ] This will be completed by a smaller one that processes 50 tons per hour, which currently operates in the station transfer from the south.

The new plant is part of the municipal intervention strategy to ensure the integral management of solid waste under the concept of "zero waste" or Circular Economy, "which contains l & # 39; approach to participation, civic responsibility and environmental responsibility ", as explained by the municipality. It will treat all solid urban waste collected in Quito, extracting all recyclable elements and producing with the non-recyclable fraction a recovered solid fuel which is known under the initials CSR

It is expected that the construction of the factory has a high positive impact on the environment of the city, since the use of recycled products will prevent the 39, emission of greenhouse gases . The waste sent to the landfill will have less organic matter, which will be used in the production of CSR. The use of this fuel will reduce CO2 production by 30%, compared to the fossil fuels that it will replace.

It is expected that the factory will also increase the competitiveness of the industry in Quito, since the city will have the largest amount of recycled raw materials than any other Latin American, as well as a highly efficient and economical fuel derived from waste that will go to cement and other industrial processes demanding heat.

According to Valoriza Quito, more than 150 jobs will be developed direct In addition to having positive effects on the trade balance, it will encourage the reduction of imports of recycled products and fuels used in industrial processes such as Petcoke.

The construction of the factory will not cost a penny to the municipality of Quito Valoriza pledges to contribute the entire estimated investment to $ 35 million. "We will recover the investment through three revenues: the sale of recycled products, the sale of recovered solid fuels, as well as the payment to the municipality for the use of facilities, the latter payment that can never exceed by contract the actual savings that the municipality has derived from this project ", as explained to the Republic Javier Peraza, Valoriza Quito.

The municipality also saves all expenses badociated with the transfer and final disposal of waste, which currently exceeds $ 26 per tonne, according to public information appeal documents. offers. Once the investment recovers, the municipality will receive a portion of the profits obtained by the company on the basis of the payment of royalties.

Valoriza Quito is committed to giving priority to the members of the Asociación Vida Nueva consisting of 250 families who are permanently engaged in recycling at the North transfer station (AND Norte), to Zámbiza, to occupy the sorter jobs of the new factory. In addition to supporting the design and implementation of an extensive recycling plan in which they will participate, in addition to one or more centers to acquire and process recycled products.

Currently, the production of solid waste is a serious problem for Quito. In 2015 alone, according to EMASEO figures, the metropolitan district produced an average of 2,037 tonnes per day of non-hazardous household and industrial waste, in an urban and rural population of 2,551,721 inhabitants [19659014]. clbadification of waste in Quito.

– The CE Republic (@larepublica_ec) 8 July 2018

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