Argentine finalists in the black novel reward Borges and Piglia's legacy


As part of the 31st edition of Semana Negra de Gijón (Northern Spain), which awards the prizes, these authors have enjoyed the literary and editorial career of Borges and Piglia, honored this year at l & # 39; event. Without them "the existence of new Ibero-American writers would not be understood," they said.

L Iliana Escliar, who opted for the Silverio Cañada for the best first novel with "Los motivos del lobo", considered "impossible" he would have devoted himself to writing without having had the # 39, influence of Borges.

The author of Buenos Aires, who is also screenwriter of film and television, explains that several generations of readers have not read Borges because they "considered a facade" but "thankfully" "She read it

In a way, Borges and Piglia, with their literary work and with the book collections that they ran," are responsible for my dedication to the work. writing, "he said.

Ferraro, who competes for the Hammett's best crime novel in Spanish language published last year with "Cruz", praised the role played by Piglia, who died last year as editor-in-chief of police writers. [19659] 003] Piglia had the ability to edit authors whose vision of social reality corresponded to "what was happening in Argentina" at that time, and that before they were discovered by big publishers like Bruguera, he said. "Cruz", Ferraro's second novel after "Dogo", with which he was a finalist at the Negro Festival of Buenos Aires, tells the story of "parents, children and clichés" in the triple frontier between Argentina , Paraguay and Brazil.

Ferraro built a labyrinth of corrupt drug dealers, pimps, and commissioners, in which morality is constructed according to the needs of survival, and from which no one can leave.

The author claims not to have sought to deepen the darkest of the human condition, but in the gray areas that make someone turn to evil because he There is no other way.

This also reflects the climate that exists in a small town in northern Argentina. no, far from the big cities, where state badistance is absent and where "the boss is the underworld"

Liliana Escliar, who received the American Planet Award in 2000 for her first novel, "The Architecture of Angels", said that in his new work, he wanted to reflect the extremes of absolute evil.

"The motives of the wolf" raises the reasons why a psychopath chooses a victim, discover that there is no logical answer, because this type of murderer "kills for what, because he feels like it. "

The character of Daniel Parodi, a forensic criminologist who believed he understood the logic of crime and considered himself capable of thinking like a criminal as a method of investigation, finds the weakness of these ideas when his daughter Zoe is murdered.

Obsessed with the wolf hunt, his life will collapse as failures in the search occur. this leads him to a library run by an ex-octogenarian cop and frequented by a hacker.

The author defines his latest book as a mix of intrigue novel and black genre, which addresses the extremes of the absolute malice and arbitrariness of those who exercise it. EFE



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