Assembly returns to Moreno the 2019 budget with observations – La República CE


The National Assembly of Ecuador gave today to the executive the proforma or draft of Budget 2019, after making some observations on the figures of next year's financial plan.

With this decision, Government has 10 days to accept comments or to ratify initial proposal and submit to the legislator its plan for the project for the 2019 fiscal year, the four-year economic program (2019-2022) and the public debt limit.

With the vote of 90 legislators and 16 abstentions, the plenary of the Assembly sent its response to the executive branch with the recommendations discussed at the Legislative Commission for Economic Development, which suggest, among other things, to improve the 39, efficiency of the use of public resources.

During the debate, several lawmakers expressed concern over cuts in education, health and social security, the badembly reported on its website.

Similarly questioned a very optimistic view of the government regarding the base price of a barrel of oil (one of the main sources of state revenue), which had been calculated in the pro forma at an annual average of $ 58, when the current trend of international markets is down.

Critics of the financing of international credits were also heard during the discussion and, the project does not specify the sources of these resources, added the report of the Assembly.

According to the rules of procedure, after receiving the executive's draft budget, the Assembly will have ten days to ratify the comments, which would require the vote of two-thirds of its members .

The Ecuadorian Minister of the Economy, Richard Martinez, defended today the draft budget, criticized by the social circles, in front of a tax situation "unsustainable" because of the cumbersome public expenditures that the country draws from the past.

Martinez, during an appearance before the Assembly, said the proforma or budget project presented by the executive is a balanced account that aims to guarantee rights without generating waste of resources.

In addition, he said, the project aims to correct the fiscal imbalance without extremist shock measures that could fracture the social fabric. EFE

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