Assembly seeks to recover with the bill of 35,000 million bribery


Photograph of Elizabeth Cabezas, presidential candidate of the Assembly, with former President Rafael Correa and former Vice President Jorge Glas, during the previous election campaign, which was viralized on social networks on March 13, 2018.

National Assembly (Parliament) of Ecuador Elizabeth Cabezas reported today that the recently presented project of An organic law on the recovery of capital aspires to recover the less than 35 billion dollars diverted from the country in illegal activities.

"I relied on the figure that the Anti-Corruption Commission gave of 24,000 million, but later it rose to 35,000, they are extremely important figures" representative of the Ecuadorian Chamber at the time. a meeting with the international media

This commission is a body of civil society that has been established in recent years The proliferation of corruption cases in different political and social fields

The initiative has been l & 39; one of Cabezas' declared objectives since taking office in March and with it seeks "to empower citizens to participate actively in the fight against corruption."

"L & # The fundamental objective of the law is the recovery of capital through a mechanism to strengthen citizen participation and to give the Council of Citizen Participation " at- he adds.

Cabezas however warned that with the project "we are not seeking to persecute the citizens" it is a process "backwards" "To study where are undeclared capitals.

For the elaboration of the law, which in an "optimistic term" anticipates that it might occur in He also noted that "journalistic investigations are a very important contribution to these questions and could be conveyed by a technical team. "

The project was presented Tuesday at an event in which Julio César Trujillo, president of the Council of Citizen Participation and transitional social control (CPCCS-t), Jorge Rodríguez, President of the Anti-Corruption Commission, was present. and several members of the badembly who support the proposal. EFE

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