(AUDIO) Marcelo Fleitas will lead D. Quito to trial for $ 2 million


Source: StudioFĂștbol

Marcelo Fleitas has again checked Deportivo Quito, in an interview with Radio Deportivo the former player and now Uruguayan-Ecuadorian coach said that everything is ready to start the lawsuit against the entity.

Fleitas claimed that the amount of money is about TWO MILLION DOLLARS: "I have done everything possible to reach an agreement, I understand the situation of Quito but I do not Had no answer.I did not forget when they left me with the coaching staff failed in Quito and thanks to the fans I could return to my country. "[19659003Hewentfurthertoindicatethattheclub(currentlyinsecondcategory)willhavewhatitcoststotheclubevenifitdisappears3yearshavepbadedTheydidtheauditionsasiftoreachanagreementandtheyneverappeared"


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