(AUDIO) Soler and the interior of Cuenca: "Many actors have been involved in acts of indiscipline"



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Source: StudioFootball

Luis Soler, former coach of Deportivo Cuenca, confessed in an audio recording published by the journalist Juan Diego Cornejo the reason for his departure from the club, confirming that there had been several cases of indiscipline of the group of players .

"Many players were involved in acts of indiscipline and I do not like that, which is why I made the decisions I had to make. negative consequences, "said Soler.

In addition, Soler gave a more detailed opinion on the lack of discipline of the Ecuadorian footballer: "The Ecuadorian player must be trained from an early age, be 100% professional and not let us spend the last years for lack of professionalism, they are back in Ecuador, we need to reverse the trend. "

At the end!

Coach Luis Soler confesses what was the reason that led to his departure from the club #Two. pic.twitter.com/7MetiR5peG

– Juan Diego Cornejo (@ jdiegocornejo70) June 7, 2019

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