Audios could bind Keiko Fujimori to corruption scandal – La República EC


Photo: Keiko Fujimori / Peru Reports

Lima (EFE) .- The majority of Peruvians consider that the leader of the party Fuerza Popular Keiko Fujimori is the Character mentioned as "Mrs. K" in some audios that revealed a corruption scandal in the judiciary, according to an opinion poll released today.

According to the survey, conducted by the private company GfK and published by the newspaper La República, 67% of the population said they had listened to audios in which "Mrs. K" is mentioned and 89% of that percentage believes that it's Keiko, who denied being tied

The scandal was made public last week, with the publication of wiretaps that revealed an extensive network of traffic-influence, corruption and prevarication at the highest level of the judiciary, which includes senior magistrates, entrepreneurs and p olicas

One of those involved is the supreme judge now suspended César Hinostroza who even offered to acquit the rapist of an 11-year-old minor and coordinated meetings with a "Mrs. K" of "Force Number One" code-name that can presumably relate to Keiko and to his Popular Force party, although these deny any link.

The clandestine hearing cost the Minister of Justice, Salvador Heresi, who on Saturday he was replaced in this office by the legislator Vicente Zeballos and five judges of the Superior Court of Justice of Callao, including its chairman, Walter Ríos, who requested a bribe of at least $ 10,000 in favor of the appointment of a prosecutor.

At this time, also to CNM advisers Guido Aguila and Julio Gutiérrez, while the other members of this body were dismissed on Friday by the Congress, and President Duberlí Rodríguez resigned Thursday

In this sense, 84% of those surveyed supported initiatives to investigate the case from broadcasts, although only 20% said they trusted Congressional independence, which dominates Fujimorismo.

In addition, 32% reported that the Fujimorist Popular Force party is the most suspected to have been favored by this corruption network, while 26% considered that all legislative caucuses They could benefit from the conspiracy.

73% also agreed that a commission be formed to initiate judicial reform, although 60% said that the commission's findings would not be implemented.

the approval of the judiciary, which was declared in emergency for 90 days, fell to 8%, and the attorney general's office reached 12%.

The investigation also indicated that the President of Peru, Martín Vizcarra is approved by only 27% of citizens, while 38% of the population says that to improve their acceptance, they must fight against corruption, 31% improve the security of citizens and 88% also rejected the work of Congress and 78% of its president, Fujimorist Luis Galarreta, who ends his duties this month.

According to the specifications, the GfK survey took place at 1,290 people in urban and rural areas across the country from July 14 to 18 and has an error margin of 2.7% . EFE (I)


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