AUGUST 1st, the new Ecuadorian DT will be announced


Source: StudioFútbol

The Ecuadorian football federation has announced through its social networks the exact date on which the new coach of the national team will be announced to the whole country.

In a series of publications of the proposal to obtain new sponsors, the FEF indicated that on August 1 the name of the new Tricolor strategist will be known for the process in Qatar 2022.

It should be noted that a few days ago the president of the FEF, the engineer Carlos Villacís, declared that he was going to close the following technician after the World Cup in Russia in addition to saying that he was one of those who participated in this tournament.

The maximum option to take the post is Hernán Darío Gómez, the "Bolillo" would return to the Tri after its cycle between 1999 and 2004 where is distinguished the first qualification of the World Cup of Ecuador.

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