Author captured material from the abduction of journalists from El Comercio – La República EC


The Office of the Prosecutor of Ecuador confirmed that the author material of the kidnapping of the journalism team of El Comercio Javier Ortega Paúl Rivas and Efraín Segarra were captured on Tuesday morning, 26 March.

The man, identified as alias Cherry who was not more than 30 years old, was captured at La Guayacana, rural area of ​​Tumaco (Nariño) and was transferred to the municipality to be taken to Bogota and legalize its capture.

The source said that the man was captured, along with three others, all carrying weapons, stopped the pbadage of the truck in which the reporters were transported the morning of this Monday "He stopped the truck and the order he had of "Guacho" was that every foreigner would be murdered but by confirming that he was journalists he contacted "Guacho", who ordered him to take them, "he said

The communicators were kidnapped by" Guacho ", leader of the dissent who has a group of men under his command who called himself" Sinisterra iver "and controls the production of cocaine, and commits crimes for Mexican cartels.

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