Ávaro Uribe Vélez announced that he will resign from the Colombian Senate


The former president of Colombia and now Senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez announced, via his Twitter account, that he will send his letter of resignation to the Senate of the Republic after the opening of 39; a formal investigation by the Supreme Court of Justice for allegedly

The Supreme Court of Justice has called and Álvaro Hernán Prada Artunduaga to respond to the crimes of corruption and procedural fraud.

The two Senators will be tied to the process through an investigation and will have the opportunity to know the evidence that commits them before coming to this diligence, the Supreme Court of Justice reported.

Similarly, the Court added that the facts on which it is investigating are after 16 February. On that day, the Criminal Appeal Chamber refrained from giving instructions to Senator Iván Cepeda and compiled copies against the complainant Álvaro Uribe.

In response to this judicial decision and apparently with their consent, persons close to former President Uribe allegedly began new acts of witness manipulation. In the preliminary inquiry, ordered on February 22 to corroborate these recent events, the Court found elements of judgment to begin this process to which Senators Uribe and Prada must respond for the crimes mentioned above.

For his part, the former presidential candidate Gustavo Petro said by the same social network that the resignation of the senator is "to escape the investigation".

The former Colombian president (2002-2010), sworn last Friday got the highest vote in the parliamentary elections in March, was targeted by the judicial system following a case that dates back to 2012.

This year he filed a lawsuit against the legislator of the opposition Iván Cepeda in the Supreme Court for an alleged conspiracy, with false witnesses, to try to involve him in the criminal activities of illegal right-wing groups that fought for decades against leftist guerrillas.

However, the court not only refrained from prosecuting Cepeda, but asked for an investigation. against the exmandatario under the same suspicion: manipulation of witnesses against the opponent.

Despite the resignation of Senator Uribe, Yenny Patricia Rozo Zambrano, who in the past legislative lessons got 24,930 votes, would replace the exmandatario in the Senate.

The Supreme Court calls me to an investigation, they have not heard me before, I feel morally prevented from being a senator, I will send my letter of resignation for my defense to be n & rsquo; Does not interfere with the duties of the Senate

– Álvaro Uribe Vélez (@AlvaroUribeVel July 24, 2018

The resignation of Alvaro Uribe in the Senate is to escape from the The son of the Guacharacas hacienda hotel master, Juan Monsalve, charged with murder and, in trying to change the statement, Uribe criminally manipulated witnesses

– Gustavo Petro (@petrogustavo) July 24, 2018

Writing NTN24

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