Ayrton Preciado is wanted by Santos Laguna de México


Source: StudioFútbol

The Club Santos Laguna of Mexico has just sold its scorers and set its sights on Ecuador to compensate for the absence of it; Elected would be the figure of Emelec, Ayrton Preciado

Sources close to the Mexican club confirmed to Studiofutbol that the player would be presented this weekend as a new reinforcement.

Precious is one of the 3 reinforcements that The word would already be from Santos Laguna. The team is looking to strengthen the attack for next season.

ATTENTION: I am confirmed that Santos Laguna ( # México ) will announce in the coming days Ayrton Preciado, player of #Emelec as a new reinforcement. This team needs an attacker. pic.twitter.com/wSrklnLL3I

– Víctor Loor Bonilla (@victorloorb) July 21, 2018

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