Bachelet repudiates attacks on women during the march for abortion in Chile – La República CE


The former president of Chile Michelle Bachelet (2014-2018) has today repudiated the hooded badaults perpetrated on Wednesday evening against participants in a free abortion march and wounded handles to three protesters and a commander of Carabineros.

Also of the current government, presided by Sebastián Piñera, there were expressions of rejection of the attacks, whose perpetrators remain fugitive and unidentified, although the organizers of the march targeted the "fascist" and "ultra" groups. nationalists ".

"I deeply repudiate the violent attacks against three women who participated last night in the march of #AbortoLibre Chile ", published Bachelet in his story. "This type of intimidation of social movements recalls the worst years of dictatorship and is unacceptable in a democratic country," she added. The Chilean President, who also joined the request to investigate the facts, which she considered "very serious".

Bachelet also called "the girls who participated in the protest not to give up in this struggle for fundamental rights" "

In the government, the spokeswoman, Cecilia Pérez, posted on her Twitter account: "I condemn the violence and the attack suffered by three women last night marching for an abortion. "

" Nothing justifies the aggression against They think differently. The ideas, principles and themes for building the Chile we want are confronted with dialogue and arguments, not with intolerance and violence, "he added

]. of Gender, Isabel Plá, published: "Repudiation attack against three women who participated in the march for an abortion.Do not share a cause can never justify the violence, we hope that the victims recover and that justice is done. "

The badaults took place when the sixth edition of the March for a free, safe and free abortion culminated in the center of Santiago According to the organizers, some 40,000 people participated and were reproduced in other cities from Chile such as Valparaíso, Concepción, Temuco and Valdivia

As in the demonstrations organized in Argentina, the protesters They wore green scarves and walked in the center of Santiago under the slogan "the three causes are not enough ", with reference to the law that decriminalized abortion in cases of fetal infertility, risk of death for the mother or rape.

Injured women were treated in an emergency hospital and are out of danger, as was the officer Carabineros who was transferred to the hospital 's facility. with a stab in one leg. EFE


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