Balda says Correa could face Colombia for violation of sovereignty – La República CE


QUITO-ECUADOR (07/16/2018). Fernando Balda reveals the contents of the Guayacán operation, declbadified file of SENAIN. PHOTOS API / CRISTINA VEGA.

The Ecuadorian politician Fernando Balda who sued the former president Rafael Correa for the attempted kidnapping against him in 2012, said today. that Colombia is investigating the ex-applicant for an alleged violation of the sovereignty of the neighboring country

Balda at a press conference, said that he knew that A group of Colombian activists and lawyers had filed a lawsuit based on a declbadified report on an operation ordered by the National Intelligence Secretariat (Senain) to infiltrate a meeting in Medellín, to which he was to participate.

According to the accuser, the Senaín ordered a tactical operation to obtain information on a forum organized by the foundation "Democratic Internationalism", by the former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe that took place in May 2012 in the "Guayacán" del Hot Las Lomas, Medellín

This operation, identified with the name "Guayacán", was, according to the version of Balda, sponsored by the owner of the time Senain Pablo Romero one of those involved in the alleged plot of his abduction a few months later.

The former president Correa badured Balda was aware of this operation, whose purpose was to infiltrate With this, according to Balda "the sovereignty of the Colombian territory has been violated", for which "an international legal action is warning against Ecuador."

Balda says that he knows that a group of "Colombian activists and jurists" are preparing a " lawsuit against Correa ", which, he added, must face the action of justice in this country.

the activist, said this forum, to which the press did not have access, addressed issues related to the theories of democracy and in which he shared the board of directors with the former president Uribe.

Balda also denied offering espionage equipment to a Senate member, Luis Chicaiza, was also charged in the case of his attempted kidnapping in Colombia

The politician said that he cheated Chicaiza and made him believe that he was going to provide him with espionage equipment, but said that he wove it to "extract information "and confirm that he was a member of the state intelligence team, without realizing it.

Balda said that at that time he lived "a state of necessity" and that, "He must have seen how he defended" his position, in the face of the alleged political persecution to which he had submitted the administration of the former president Correa .

He said that he had to perform "intelligence" to discover the tasks of the persecution against him and said that thanks to him now they have "a totally solid case" against Correa .

"Even the emails of them had us," he added. The former ex-Ecuadorian ambbadador who, moreover, anticipated that he knows that soon other cases of the alleged persecution of Correa against other politicians and journalists in the country will come. "Wait, it's just beginning," he concluded. Balda at his press conference

On June 18, the National Court of Justice established a link between the former president Correa and the attempt of the same. Abduction Balda a case already tried in Colombia and that occurred on the night of August 13, 2012, when five people, four men and a woman, approached him and l '; have violently introduced into a vehicle.

Balda was rescued by Colombian police after an hour and a half, thanks to the call of a taxi driver.

The attempted kidnapping of who was and is a fervent opponent of Correa is interpreted by his close former president as a contraption of his detractors to execute a supposed revenge for the policies that their have hurt during his ten years of government, between 2007 and 2017. EFE


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