Ball improves without Cristiano | StudioFootball


Source: AS

Without Cristiano, who left Real Madrid voluntarily to go to Juventus in exchange for 100 million euros Real Madrid's project now revolves around Gareth Bale, in the absence of a glitzy signature that could happen … or not happen, given the market situation and that white preferences (Mbappé and Neymar) are not accessible, today's # 39; hui. The Welsh will have in the end the spotlight absorbed almost entirely by the Portuguese a contingency in which he already felt comfortable during their joint stage at Santiago Bernabéu.

Matches in which Cristiano could not train and Bale, who had to conduct the attack in the absence of the white franchise player of the last decade, but the result is encouraging: 27 games in total, resolved in 21 wins, two draws and four losses. That is to say, Madrid won 78% of the clashes in which he did not rely on Cristiano in the titular team, but with the Welsh . A good average that highlights the British as a possible actor of reference and leadership, a figure that seems far-fetched because of his profile and lack of strident, opposed to the Portuguese's histrionic, a friend of his own. to be decisive and remind everyone

The percentage of wins, in any case, can be understood as a collective task, but the influence of Bale in these 27 games was important, as the data show: scored in these duels 22 goals, throwing an average of 0.81 goals per game. A much higher average than the British overall with Madrid: 88 goals in 189 games, 0.46 goals per game. Without Crisitano in the eleven, this average almost doubles

Bale finished the final of the Champions League against Liverpool, in which the hero with a double, Chilean included, with words of unease and leaving his future in the air: "I have to sit down with my agent and see what I'm doing.I need to play more minutes.It was a disappointment not to be going into the final. " But Cristiano's departure put an end to this momentum, to the point that Jonathan Barnett, a Welsh agent, canceled the meeting he had requested from the white club. Without Cristiano to overshadow him, Bale sees himself with the strength to shine with the same strength as at Tottenham, where he has already managed to be twice named the premier's premier player. (2010-11006). ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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