Beckham is now looking to build his stadium in Miami on a golf course


The ex football player David Beckham and his new clothing collection. Stock Photo

former British footballer David Beckham and his partners in the project so that Miami is represented by a team in the United States Major League Soccer (MLS) gave a turning point in their plans on the location of the future stadium and the new proposal was met with controversy.

Beckham and his partners Jorge and Jose Mas, Marcelo Claure, Masayoshi Son and Simon Fuller want the stadium, which until now was going to be built in the district of Overtown, near the urban center from Miami, he gets up on a lot where is now the only public golf course in the city, near the airport.

But to achieve this, the Council of Commissioners of Miami must approve the lease of the necessary land – more than half the surface of the golf course – to the society Miami Beckham United who is in charge of this project started years ago, yes The commissioners will meet Thursday to discuss projects that the Cuban-American entrepreneur Jorge Mas unveiled this Sunday on social networks.

In case of approval of the proposal, citizens will be able to say the last word of a referendum that will take place in November.

The "Park of Freedom", called Mas, which would occupy part of the current Melreese Country Club, would be a 110-acre "technological" complex (over 445,000 square meters) designed as a "permanent green space" and boasting a stadium of 28,000 locations

According to local media reports, the football club would pay 3.5 million euros a year to exploit these lands. The sports complex, which will include stores, hotels and offices, will be fully privately funded and, according to Mas, will contribute $ 40 million in tax revenue each year.

Similarly, members donate 20 million to the city to help activate the park and it is estimated that the jobs created will be 11,000 in the next three years.

" We really feel that the Miami city commissioners will allow the voters to decide and I am very confident that they will see the attributes of this project and realize our dream ," he said. Jorge Mas at CBS Local

Supporters of the Melreese Golf Course have already collected nearly 20,000 signatures supporting an online petition against the Beckham project.

Golfer Erik Compton has asked through his social networks to protect this "precious green space" that hosts "wonderful programs for young people"

" It's time for us to teach children that we care more about them." them as celebrities and politicians in search of city parks ", says the petition.

For its part, the society of Beckham defends its educational work and notes that the complex will devote 23 acres (93,000 square meters) to soccer fields for young people, which would be open The plan has the support of the mayor of the city, Francis Suarez, who, through his social networks, showed his astonishment to the project and l 39; described as "accessible" to all neighbors.

Commissioners, Ken Russell, have come today to the Melreese Golf Course to learn about the programs for youth that they develop and to take into account one of the "trump cards" available to the city.

The team's proposal to build the stadium in the Overtown neighborhood in Miami is paralyzed by legal disputes with neighborhood members and businesses.

On January 29, Major League Soccer (MLS) officially awards the franchise to Miami Beckham United and that same day the ex-player introduces the team to Miami , whose name and colors will be chosen by the fans, and who, while waiting for a stadium, plans to start competing in the 2020 season. EFE


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