Ben Arfa asks for the resignation of Deschamps


Source: Mundo Deportivo

The French footballer Hatem Ben Arfa asked the French coach, Didier Deschamps to resign in order not to perpetuate a "poor" game "and ugly" of the team at the Russian World Cup won by France who, furthermore, considers that it can prevent the "blues" from qualifying for the next Eurocopa .

On a platform published today by the magazine "France Football", the player, who has a contract with Paris Saint-Germain despite not having his coaching staff and his owners, badumes the role of "party animal" celebrations but believes that " you have to look a little further "From victory in Russia

" It would be dangerous to hide behind the second star to transform football from "blue" in a world reference (…) The ultra-poor style and the identity of the French are pretty ugly, "the former Newcastle player

Ben Arfa said that he would not want that this way of understanding football becomes fashionable in training centers.

For Ben Arfa, French players have behaved during the World Cup as "speculators who bet mainly on the mistakes of the opponents", Tactical that "is not spectacular but very effective".

But he warns that with this strategy "they are not immune to a bad surprise in the qualifying phase for the next Eurocopa, because they will face many rivals who will wait on the defensive to "pose the same trap".

Also consider that France can not be content to win like that when she has talents like Griezmann, Fekir, Mbappé or Dembelé. a waste "when it could be" more daring. "

In contact with some of the staff members, Ben Arfa badures that" they do not oppose an evolution of the game "to propose Against this, concludes Ben Arfa, Deschamps should be in the lead with this good result , just like Zinedine Zidane at the helm of Real Madrid after winning the third Champions League.

"His successor would enjoy the technical potential to" unleash "talent and create a beautiful French identity, as do the Brazilians. And so that we do not just appreciate the results ", ends

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