Berlin calls for a "minimum of reliability" of Trump-Putin's peaks – La República CE


US President Donald J. Trump (i) and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin (D) offer a joint press conference after the formal summit between the two leaders held at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland, today, 16 July 2018. EFE / Anatoly Maltsev

The German Government was pleased today by the celebration of the recent summit between the President of the United States, Donald Trump and the Russian, Vladimir Putin, although he wishes that in this type of meetings there be a "minimum of reliability".

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said "good" that the Helsinki Summit is taking place because many international problems can only be solved if there is an agreement between the two countries. US and Russian leaders.

But, questioned about the controversy generated after Trump deflected statements made in the presence of Putin, the minister added ó: "I hope that in matters of international politics, we can rely on a minimum of reliability. "

"That Trump and Putin can meet, that's fine, there are many problems that without an agreement between these two countries can not be solved" Maas has told the press after an interview with Chilean Foreign Minister Roberto Ampuero.

He mentioned among these subjects "] Syria Ukraine, nuclear issues, disarmament policy" and added: "We welcome you, but you can trust what you are remember seems difficult to evaluate. "

Maas's opinion was known after Trump said today that" a lot of positive things will come out "of the summit with Putin.

A few hours earlier, he had been unhappy with part of his statements at the press conference in Helsinki. in the 2016 presidential elections, when he gave more credence to Putin's denials than to the investigations of his intelligence services. EFE

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