Berlin does not agree with Trump to say that the EU is "enemy" of the United States – The EC Republic


Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump at the White House

The German government said today that the EU and the US are not "enemies" as stated yesterday US President Donald Trump in an interview. Spokesman for the German Executive, Steffen Seibert, added at a press conference that there were "good reasons" to maintain the transatlantic links, which are based – on – beyond trade issues – on "common values". That's our opinion (…). Seibert admitted that the EU and the US could be qualified as "competitors" in the commercial sphere, but added that it was only "economic figures".

In Berlin's view, the United States and the EU have an economically ingrained relationship with the economy based on "shared interests and shared values" for centuries. decades. "

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, emphasizes Seibert, is a "convinced Atlantist", although it has recently been realized that Europe "needs to be more involved" in security, defense and stability in its "neighborhood" as the United States no longer badumes the role it has developed

With regard to the summit held today in Helsinki by Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the German Executive Spokesperson held the meeting because "it is important that both speak" politicians

hoped that Trump and Putin talk about disarmament, control of nuclear weapons, Syria – to launch a "political process" and end the "horror" of the war – and Ukraine, to pacify the country's pro-Russian east.

"We will wait to see how the dialogue will develop and then evaluate," he said.

Regarding Trump's doubts about the advisability of recognizing the annexation of the Ukrainian Crimean Peninsula by Russia (after a referendum in 2014), Seibert pointed out that the position of Berlin is 39 has not changed.

"Our position on the illegal annexation of Crimea is clear and I think it's the same thing" He said. EFE

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