Borussia Dortmund defeated Chicago


Source: StudioFootball

At the start of the International Champions Cup, Mario Gotze gave Borussia Dortmund the victory over Manchester City at Soldier Field in Chicago in an emotion-filled match.

The only goal of the match came at 28 minutes, when the German penalty-taker defeated Claudio Bravo's resistance from Chile in US territory.

The team of 'Pep & # 39; Guardiola had clear options for the tie, but goalkeeper Marwin Hitz became a figure.

The result did not move, the & # 39; Bees & # 39; have made their first pre-season win and next Sunday they will face Liverpool in North Carolina. For its part, the & # 39; Citizens & # 39; will also be confronted with the 'Reds & # 39; but this Wednesday in New Jersey.

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