Boulevard de Waterloo 115


This institution has been designated by the Belgian Government as the Central Authority for all matters relating to extraditions, whether extraditions to fugitives located in third countries, or to extradition. extraditions from Belgium to third countries. . This office will be responsible for handling not only the extradition request that was recently issued for contempt as a precautionary measure in the case of the abduction of the former Balda. It must also receive other extradition requests that may arise from the hijacking incurred in the above-mentioned abduction, the badbadination of General Gabela, the corrupt petroleum marketing regime, l & # 39; Fraudulent adjudication of the Singue, fraud of the so-called 30-S, negotiated publicity contracts and other crimes

Kidnappings, murders, embezzlement are behaviors characterized as crimes in Belgium. This was not the case of the Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont. In his case, the Belgian courts created several obstacles to his extradition mainly because of the fact that the Catalan leader was accused of the crime of rebellion, which is a figure not recognized by the Belgian criminal law. But, as we have said, this is not the case of our former dictator.

Although Belgium has a very old law on extradition, since it is from 1874, many of the rules that the nation continues to apply come from jurisprudence. , international instruments, and especially cooperation and diplomatic practice. Contrary to what was said at one point, there is an extradition treaty with Ecuador which, although it is old, remains a legally binding instrument. The extradition procedure in Belgium does not differ significantly from that followed by other nations. There are several stages, since the immediate arrest of the fugitive – after the intervention of Interpol – and the participation of an investigating judge in a possible application to the Court supreme. The procedure is simpler in the case of definitive resolutions than provisional

Even if the person whose extradition is requested is of Belgian nationality – which does not seem to be the case of the former dictator – the The law allows extradition under certain conditions. One of them is that the Belgian citizen fills the sentence in Belgium. In addition, this country, it should be remembered, is a signatory, like Ecuador, of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

In short, the Belgian authorities will soon begin to verify the criminological profile of who led some sort of organized group of criminals who attacked the treasure leaving the country bankrupt, and that did not stop or before kidnapping, murder, mbad deportations, espionage, forgery or fraud.

That is why the importance of the processes continue as they have done so far: attached to the law and conducted in a professional manner. (O)

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