BSC will challenge the debts of Nahuelpán and Deportivo del Valle


Source: StudioFútbol

At the SC of Barcelona, ​​they have just made a decision regarding what would be a change of position regarding certain newly emerging debts.

As reported by the journalist Christian Carrasco of Radio Caravana, the club will dispute the debts of Ariel Nahuelpán and Deportivo del Valle

Both debts amount to about 2 , $ 4 million and the FSF ordered the club to pay them in no more than 30 days.

Carrasco announced that the challenge will be before the Legal Commission of the Federation

Barcelona will challenge before the Legal Commission of the FEF for the editions of Ariel Nahuelpan and Deportivo del Valle.

– Christian Carrasco (@ ccarrasco750) July 19, 2018

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