Campana asks the United States for a "special treatment" towards Ecuador – La República CE


Minister Pablo Campana

Minister of Foreign Trade of Ecuador Pablo Campana took advantage of his official trip to the United States to ask Washington "an affair" ] to his country and defend that the best way to encourage economic relations between the two nations is through the signing of a bilateral agreement.

"We requested special treatment for Ecuador " said Campana in an interview with Efe, questioned about the protectionist policies of US President Donald Trump, who is manifested most clearly in the imposition of duties on imports of steel and aluminum.

The former entrepreneur, who joined the executive of Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno, last May, acknowledged that although his country does not export steel or steel Aluminum, it manufactures its products, such as aluminum profiles. io, which are then exported, among others, to the west coast of the United States

"These products generate jobs" justifies Campana.

Therefore, he said, his government was "repetitive" the issue at a time when US Vice President Mike Pence visited Quito last June, and these days when he met with representatives Trump's executive, including Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross. [19659004] Campana wanted, nevertheless, to take the lead in the commercial war initiated by Washington against the world and thought that in the commercial subjects "one must be pragmatic" and not be carried away by " questions of ideologies "

The minister also stressed the importance of the relationship between the two nations and recalled that" during the last eleven years ", the North American country was" the main "trading partner of Ecu ador reaching 40% of its exports, a situation that has nevertheless changed dramatically in recent times.

" Our concern is that, in the last three years, of 2014 to 2017, we had a drop in trade " 25% of exports to the US And at age 39, Campana has accumulated enough experience in the private sector to clearly see that this situation is due to A loss of competitiveness of the Ecuadorian economy, motivated, mainly, because "other countries in the region" have agreements with Washington that allow them to have "a fluid trade exchange." [19659005] "I'm sure the solution is to sign a trade agreement. Ecuador is ready, "said Campana, adding that his team presented to the Americans a report in order to identify " the points that are going to be simple in the negotiation and those who are going to be sensitive. "

Although Trump was supportive of the establishment of bilateral agreements, which" coincide "with Moreno's policy, it is none the less true that the White House also requires a relationship Ecuador Ecuador is a very competitive country in products related to the agricultural sector and fishing (…) On the other hand, the United States can offer raw materials, goods, equipment, services or technology, of which we are not major producers or manufacturers, "says Campana

After crossing the US capital, the minister plans to travel to New York, Chicago and Houston, to spread their message in some of the country's major cities and meet with representatives of the local private sector.

"It is very important for the world to experience this reorientation of Canada's international trade policy. Equa . We must join mechanisms that focus on strengthening trade relations, integration, attraction of investments between countries that agree on the same values, "concludes . EFE

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