Cardinal of Chile, accused of abusing sexual abuse – La República CE


Archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati

Santiago, Chile.- The Attorney General of the Chilean city of Rancagua convened today the Archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati to represent charged for concealment in cases of badual abuse by members of the Catholic Church.

According to a statement from the Archdiocese of Santiago, "Ezzati was summoned by the regional prosecutor's office of Rancagua to testify as charged on August 21, for possible liability that could enter the crime of camouflage."

In the same text Ezzati reiterated his commitment and that of the Church of Santiago with the victims in the search for the truth and with

"I have the belief that I n have never hidden or hindered justice and that as a citizen, I will fulfill my duty to provide all the information that will help clarify the appeal to the highest authority of the Catholic Church of the country is known 24 hours after the public prosecutor's office declared to investigate 158 people in the context of 144 cases of badual abuse or Another type against 266 victims in Chile

The director of the Division specializes in human rights , badual offenses and violence of gender, Luis Torres, explained that the victims could reach nearly half a thousand, mainly when they begin to receive complaints. the victims of the extreme regions of Chile in a country that extends over more than 4,000 kilometers.

On the other hand, the Chilean prosecutor's office informed that it would ask the Vatican State for the antecedents of Pope Francis regarding the badual abuse committed by priests and church officials.

The agency intends to obtain the report prepared by Archbishop Charles Scicluna, sent from Pope Francis to Chile on cases of death. badual abuse in the southern country.

Scicluna, who twice visited Chile with the Spanish Jesuit Jordi Bertomeu, an official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, collected testimony from 64 alleged victims and gave the Pope a 2300-page report

Up to here, the pontiff accepted the resignation of five bishops some of them accused of concealing abuses, while new complaints emerged, such as those pointing to the Marianist religious and a former Chancellor of the Santiago Archdiocese, Óscar Muñoz, who is in pre-trial detention. EFE

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