Chavismo debate of the exchange rate regime and the price of gasoline – La República CE


The Governor United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) began today a congress in which proposals are discussed to deal with the economic situation, among which the regime of exchange, as well as the price of gasoline

"A first fundamental stake in a still rentier economy and which will have a rental base until the oil and all the minerals that we have, it is a question of diversifying the question of the exchange rate regime ", declared PSUV executive officer Elías Jaua.

The Minister of Education also indicated that for this topic "there is a set of proposals that express" different positions, of which

He said that the price of gasoline, the least expensive of the world, is also debated, and that for that there are two proposals: "the progressive increase of the price of the fuel". and "the internationalization of prices."

Jaua, who said that what the party will discuss are proposals collected within the bases of the PSUV and people in the street, also emphasized as important these approaches they concern the "national production", which according to the Parliament, with a majority of opposition, currently reaches 25%.

However, the various leaders of the PSUV who made statements on the congress debate stressed that each of the proposals does not ignore the "socialist" line.

The government, which accuses the crisis of a so-called "economic war" maintains since 2003 an exchange control that leaves state hands buys and sells currencies, a measure that economists have criticized and pointed out as one of the factors that cause the current situation of the country.

Last Wednesday, President Nicolás Maduro hiz or economic announcements, which he called "new departure policies" and for which he ordered the reduction of five zeros to the bolivar, the revision of the exchange rate regime and a plan to strengthen international reserves.

Maduro also asked PSUV to submit proposals that will help you deal with the so-called "economic war". EFE

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