Chile investigation of data leak of 14,000 credit cards – La República CE


The Chilean authorities have investigated today on the escape of a group of hackers from a database of about 14,000 credit cards containing confidential information. about 19 bank and non-bank issuers, including some foreigners, have informed official sources. 19659002] At the same time, the Association of Business Banks (ABIF), called for the tranquility of users of plastic money, ensuring that after a "sweep" local bank accounts, verified that only 10% of In a statement, the chairman of the entity, Segismundo Schulin-Zeuthen, said that these cards were immediately blocked and said the leak "did not clearly not left the map ". banks, because each bank knows only the data of its customers. "

The origin of the leak" is the subject of an investigation, "said the president.IFF of ABIF

Also Transbank, the principal administrator of maps In 1965, the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF), declared that the publication of the data of the cards was made " by the group of cybercriminals called ShadowBrokers, who released the card number, the security number (CVV) and the expiry date of these products. "

A group of hackers was founded in late 2015 and has received leaks from the US National Security Agency, he added and confirmed that most of the filtered cards were inactive

Among the filtered cards are CMR Falabella, BBVA, BCI, Santander Chile, Bank of Chile , BancoEstado, Banco Falabella, Entel Visa, Banco Galicia (Argen tine), Promotora CMR, Ripley Bank, Banefe, Itaú Chile, Scotiabank Chile, Edwards, Chas e, Banco Pichincha ( Ecuador ), BICE, Wells Fargo, Security, Credichile, Neteller, Corpbanca, Coopeuch, BCI Nova, Banco Paris, Presto, and Banco Guayaquil ( Ecuador ),

The SBIF stated that as soon as the leak was discovered, in the last hours of this Wednesday, the affected entities were contacted to work on a solution.

This resulted in the blocking of the accounts concerned. , because the filtered information was sufficient to make online purchases.

However, the Superintendent of Banks, Mario Farren, admitted today that there was no guarantee to prevent these situations from recurring.

guarantee that these things do not happen again. The financial sector is being debited, "he said, speaking to Radio Cooperativa

The leak came two months after hackers stole ten million dollars from Banco de Chile, whose most appeared in accounts. After this incident, the government requested the badistance of the International Monetary Fund to strengthen the financial security of the financial system. EFE

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