China launches a research center on the cloning of primates – La República CE


This image of a video provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in January 2018 shows cloned monkeys in Shanghai, China. These genetically identical crab-eating macaques are the first primates cloned with the method that produced the Dolly sheep. (Qiang Sun and Mu-ming Poo / Chinese Academy of Sciences via AP)

China has launched a primate research center for the cloning of primates in the city of Shanghai, which will advance the diagnosis and Disease treatment The center, which is part of a joint project between the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the local government, informed local media.

will also be dedicated to the investigation of models of non-human diseases, neurological intelligence technologies and drug development.

The director of this institute, Poo Mu-ming explains to the official journal Global Times that research into the cloning of primates will help diagnose and treat brain diseases, such as tumors, as well as than to develop new drugs.

A team of Chinese scientists cloned for the first time Two genetically identical primates are the same method that was used to create the Dolly sheep in 1996, according to Cell magazine published last January.

These primates, two long-tailed macaques, were created by nuclear transfer. of somatic cells, that is to say, tissue cells of an adult primate macaque, in a procedure conducted at the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai [19659003] Cloning has provoked criticism among defense organizations. of animals, as people for the ethical treatment of animals (PETA), which called it a "horror show" and demanded that this type of experimentation animal is completed.

In this regard, Poo insisted that the standards applied are "even stricter than those of Europe and the United States" and that the two cloned macaque live now . omo "normal monkeys" . EFE

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