Colombian defender Camilo Zúñiga announced his retirement from football


Colombian defender Camilo Zúñiga announced Wednesday his retirement from professional football. According to the camp, the reason would be to not be able to fully recover from an injury, the same problem that has removed it from European football.

"I have been suffering for a while to recover at least 70%, but when the anti-inflammatory drugs do not work," said the lateral.

Zúñiga, who returned to "the team of his loves ", Atletico Nacional" in early 2018, added: "Today, I am thinking of my future and my future.If I am in the park with my children, I can do it tomorrow.

Although he arrived at the Medellin Club in the hope of returning to the level that made him shine in the Italian Napoli, he could hardly play three games of the season and has suffered an expulsion in the final of the Colombian league between the club 'verdolaga' and Deportes Tolima, which will end later with the title of the team 'vinotinto'. [19659003] Thanks to their Twitter account, National Athletics he also thanked the former Lateral Watford of England

Thank you @ Camilozuniga18 for having all left on the ground when you defended our shirt. You have realized your dream as a child, we have seen you grow up and be great as a football player and nobody. Thank you Camilo! Full Note

– Atlético Nacional (@nacionaloficial) 4 July 2018

Writing NTN24

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