Comcast Announces a Call for Tenders for 21st Century Fox to Focus on the Sky – The EC Republic



The Comcast Media Consortium announced today that it will be retiring bids for the badets of the 21st Century Fox firm and that it will now focus its efforts on the British Pay TV operator Sky.

"Comcast will no longer attempt to continue the acquisition of 21st Century Fox's badets and, on the contrary, will focus on our recommended offer for Sky", the company said in a statement released Thursday.

The company and Disney have been intertwining offers for Fox in recent months, so the new move seems to leave the Walt Disney group free to buy.

The last proposal made by Comcast last June included a price of $ 35. per share, which brought the transaction to about $ 65,000 million, above the $ 52,400 million that was at stake when Disney announced December 14 to buy

"I would like to congratulate Bob Iger and the Disney team and congratulate the Murdoch and Fox family for creating these desirable and respected companies ", Brian Roberts, CEO, said in the text Comcast Corporation

Comcast, a conglomerate that includes NBC networks , CNBC and Telemundo and Universal Studios, lifted its July Sky offer at 26,000 million pounds (about $ 34,300 million) hours after 21st Century Fox offers 24,500 million pounds (about $ 32,300 million) for the British group.

On the other hand, the badets in question from Fox involve 20th century film company Fox, which has produced Hollywood successes as an Avatar. and X-Men, as well as Nat Geo TV channels and shares in the Hulu film and television content provider.

The acquisitions are framed in a context where the field of technology He appealed the sentence that gave the green light to the operation. EFE

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