Controversial cover of the newspaper 'The Sun & # 39; unworthy of Colombia


July 3, 2018, 11:35

A few hours after the match between Colombia and England in the second round, the British newspaper sparked controversy with the text of its cover that refers to cocaine .

The British newspaper 'The Sun & # 39; indignant fans of the Colombian team by publishing a text on their cover that refers to cocaine.

"While the 3 lions are facing the country that gave the world Shakira, a good coffee and other things, we say" Go, Kane ", in reference to cocaine (cocaine in English), says half of its coverage, hours before the game that will face Colombia and England for a place in the quarterfinals of the World Cup in Russia 2018.

With the phrase "go, kane", the media recalled the fight of the player of the surname Kane against drugs. After the cover was published, supporters of the South American country were quick to reject it and express their anger.

"They underestimate us. They are discriminating, this newspaper is dedicated to discrimination, "said one of the members of the Colombian team in the media publication.

Tomorrow's Page: #ENG Captain Harry Kane will direct the prosecution us up to the #WorldCup quarterfinals https: / /

– The Sun (@TheSun) July 2, 2018

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