Controversy over the alleged increase in overseas travel tax


The Chief of Staff of the Argentine Government, Marcos Peña, badured that the possibility of increasing the tax on the sale of tickets abroad is evaluated. The measure, which would be taken by the current account deficit of the country's economy, was rejected by the Minister of Finance and Finance, who ensured that this idea would "harm" citizens.

"For an Argentine to travel abroad He is quite expensive," said the president of the Association of Travel and Tourism Enterprises, Federico Di Giambattista, adding that "tourism is a round trip, what you need to generate is better costs for receptive tourism ". the taxes.

Giambattista told NTN24 that "there is a need to improve opportunities for foreigners," adding that "tourism is not deficient, it is the best thing that can happen in Argentina for development ". a goal of "collection", but that the money goes to the state and "does not generate any opportunity".

The president of the badociation said that claiming that tourism generates a deficit is incorrect because "40% of what they are driving tourism is not good. "there is nothing", but corresponds to costs of another nature.

Meanwhile, Giambattista said that "infrastructure" and the "air capacity for tourists to come more" are being expanded.

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