Correa donated a house to his son when they imposed measures for the case of kidnapping – La República CE


The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, pbades through the hotel where he is today, Friday, April 20, 2018, in Havana (Cuba). Correa baderted today that the investigation in his country of a video on the so-called money delivery of the FARC guerrillas to his presidential campaigns is a "smoke screen" to divert attention from the "disastrous" situation on the border with Colombia. EFE / Alejandro Ernesto

The former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa donated to his son from a house in Quito, a value of $ 422,000, coinciding with his criminal conspiracy in June. a member of the opposition, reported the newspaper El Comercio

In this way, the transfer of the property was requested Wednesday, June 18 by the consulate of Ecuador in Belgium, where Correa resides since last summer.

In the process of transfer of ownership, Correa and his wife, Anne Marie Malherbe, have made a special power in favor of Pierina Correa, sister of the exmandatario, for the purpose that she may perform at Quito notarization and housing management and register the change of ownership in the municipality in favor of his nephew, who is a minor.

The newspaper also indicates that the document given to the consulate indicates that the usufruct is reserved for life. nda in favor of Malherbe

The transfer of ownership coincided with the application of precautionary measures against Correa for the so-called Balda case, an attempted kidnapping in Colombia in 2012 the ex – legislator and opponent, Fernando Balda.

The case is now awaiting a decision of the National Court of Justice (NYC) on whether or not to open a trial, in the context of a judicial proceeding in which Correa has been linked by criminal links and by which he could end up in prison.

process, judicial authorities may prohibit the alienation of property of an accused, including the gift of housing.

Ecuador petitioned Interpol in June for the arrest and extradition of the ex-principal after he disobeyed his request to appear before the court. CNJ, in Quito, every two weeks from July 2nd.

In this sense, the same media reported today that the National Deputy Director of Judicial Police On the 12th, Henry Herrera sent a warrant of arrest against Correa to all police units in the country

The document asks all chiefs of police to give their agents the corresponding provisions to proceed with their arrest, in case he arrives in the country, which is unlikely because Correa himself said that He will not do it.

Next Monday, the CNJ Criminal Chamber will hold an appeal hearing filed by the Correa Defense in which it will be reconsidered whether or not the preventive arrest warrant is issued against it. EFE


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