CPJ highlights the upturn in freedom of the press in Ecuador with Moreno in power


QUITO-ECUADOR 07/12/2018 Committee for the Protection of Journalists presents a report at a press conference, in photo Natalie Southwick, Carlos Martinez Serna and Cesar Ricaurte PHOTO API / JUAN DIEGO MONTENEGRO

The Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ) considers that in Ecuador there has been a "180 degree turn" in favor of freedom of the press with the arrival of Lenín Moreno as president , Regarding the situation of his predecessor, Rafael Correa

This is published today in the first annual report on the country since 2011, in which CPJ stresses that " Moreno moves the Ecuador of the path of media repression undertaken by (Rafael) Correa ", who finished his presidential duties in May 2017, after a decade in power

" The main conclusions They are the opportunity to feel the freedom of the press in Ecuador.You feel a change in the air, in the anti-press rhetoric, but there is a lot to do, there is a lack of Action, "said Efe Natalie Southwick, badociate researcher and coordinator of the Central and South America Program

. In collaboration with John Otis, correspondent of the Committee for the Andean Region, he stressed that in the short term, Ecuador should take a series of measures to compare to the international canons.

Among them, the proposals for reform of the Organic Law Communication before the end of the year, in accordance with the commitment made by the Government, which includes the elimination of the superintendency of communications and the creation of new security codes for journalists concerning the case of the Ecuadorian team kidnapped and murdered in April in Colombia

The Organic Law of Communication (LOC) dates from 2013 and was promoted by Correa with the stated aim of preventing journalistic abuses, although this de facto reduces press freedom by incorporating administrative and criminal penalties for media professionals and property owners

In May Moreno sent to the National Assembly (Parliament) a proposal for reform of this legislation that contains 80 amendments and is being processed.

"The Presidency and the Assembly must reform the Communications Act before the end of the year taking into account several opinions"

The Speaker of Parliament, Elizabeth Cabezas confirmed today that the draft law on communication is being badyzed within the Commission des droits collectifs.

She stated that "is working a lot on this issue" and hopes that the Legislative will be able to badyze a document that contains different proposals in August, before the cacional break, "without looking forward to approving" because they want to "contemplate such a complete text."

The Superintendency of Communication is considered by organizations defending press freedom as "judge and party" of a sanctioning system that has divided media and journalists over the last five years.

The report acknowledges however that " remained largely inactive during Moreno's tenure a seemingly intentional attitude ]

The paper was presented today when it was released. a press conference in Quito and points out that one of the keys that has been a catalyst for the opening of Moreno regarding the exercise of the media has been its declared fight against corruption. 19659004] " President Moreno wants to fight corruption and knows that the independent press is the key to investigating the facts ", says Southwick.

Another aspect that mentions Ecuador offers a positive example and at the same time a warning to other countries in Latin America and the world that have increased control over the media and censorship in recent years. "

Reflects that the will of the executive of Moreno to "interact with journalists and press freedom advocates and listen to them change the tone of the media debate ".

For Carlos Martínez de la Serna, CPJ program director, " the debate around the freedom of the press and how to protect it regulate or punish is at the heart of what you want to be the Ecuador in the years to come . "

And he adds that the restructuring of the sector" requires an investment in time ", but that the country can" go from the most repressive to being a model ". EFE


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