Cristian Mora revealed that he played the 2006 World Cup with broken meniscuses


Source: StudioFútbol

In an in-depth interview for Diario El Telégrafo Cristian Mora recalled what was recently a very difficult time when his life was at serious risk of finding a tumor in the area. cerebellum that forced him to leave football

The good thing is that everything went very well and the former goalkeeper of the Ecuadorian team is calm in the l & # 39; In his family environment, in the midst of this dialogue, he remembers his time. Selected at the World Cup in Germany in 2006 while he was part of the tricolor team that reached a historic milestone, the playoffs against England.

It is precisely in this match that the English goal eliminated us from the competition by a specialist free kick. , nothing more and nothing less than David Beckham. Some still believe that Mora could have done more in this action.

"In my conscience, it is clear to me that it was not my fault I saw the ball pbading the barrier.I had so many teammates and English rivals in front of me that I could never see the ball as Beckham hit it, he had already made two free throws before the goal was wide, but the third that I could not reach, I hit the ball, but I did not arrive, everything happened in a few seconds, and that I had studied his punch.I saw some videos and my teammates tried to hit him like him after the training, "explains Mora who also revealed the conversation he had with Beckham after the match:" I had gone a long way and if I took a step further the The story of the party would have been different, which is what I understood.It also revealed that during this World Cup he used heaters mainly because of a serious injury after a training session at LDU Quito a few weeks before the tournament, where he stated that his meniscus had broken: "J '; I played World Cup in Germany injured. I had a meniscus tear. The four games I played have infiltrated. Two days after returning home, I was operated on and spent three months away from the courts. "

He also said that the coach of that time (Luis Fernando Suarez) took him despite the injury:" He decided to call me despite the injury. Before training, I bandaged my knee and warmed up so as not to feel pain. And before every World Cup match, I infiltrated. That's why it's covered with warmer, knees and bandages.

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