Croatia invited the photographer who was shot in the celebration against England


Source: StudioFútbol

In one of the semi-finals of the World Cup semi-finals contested by Croatia against England, one of the most curious events of the World Cup was played

. Mario Mandzukic in the second overtime excitement of the Croatian players was so great that they unwittingly overturned a photojournalist who was behind the bow defended by Jordan Pickford.

Yuri Córtez is the name of the photojournalist who was accidentally shot in the celebration, but the Salvadoran did not stop taking photos and managed to get some of the best of the World Cup.

The Croatian National Tourist Board invited the photojournalist to visit the European country: "We will show Yuri all the best of Croatia: our coast, our islands and mainland Croatia", were the words of Kristjan Stanicic, director of the Croatian National Tourist Board "We chatted for a few minutes and he said that he wanted to invite me to discover the country, its beauty and its gastronomy and that it ' he only had to tell them where he wanted to go, "commented Córtez on Stanicic's invitation

. "Make sure to bring your good mood and your camera and tell us how you want to visit Croatia" were the conditions imposed on the photojournalist to visit the Balkan country.

Croatia invites the photographer of AFP @YuriYurisky who was trapped under his players at the World Cup of # Russia2018 #AFP https : //

– Agence France- Presse (@AFPespanol) 20 July 2018

Croatia ?? very soon I will be there knowing your country and describing its culture, its natural beauty, its gastronomy, and what my eyes can see through a #Nikon #nikon_mexico [1 9659013] #Photography #PhotoJounalist #foto [19659014] #ElSalvador

– Yuri Cortez (@YuriYurisky) July 20, 2018 [19659018]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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