Cruel history of Nicaragua, who fled the country after being tortured


July 26, 2018, 16:58

The student Marco Novoa fled Nicaragua to the United States UU After being kidnapped and tortured in a secret prison of the country

After 100 days of protests at the Nicaragua, there is more criminalization and torture in the case of the young man, Marco Novoa, a Nicaraguan student who had to flee to the United States. as he reported, he was a victim of kidnapping and torture in a clandestine prison in the country.

In this first public denunciation at the international level, Novoa badures that for a week he was subjected to all kinds of harbadment by a paramilitary group of the government. Daniel Ortega

Similarly, Novoa reports that he was taken to a secret prison where he was "tied with leathers instead of chains" and where there were other naked prisoners, "which threw it acid and its skin turned white, they flowed. "

editorial NTN24

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