Curious bet between Ibrahimovic and Backham at the World Championship


A dinner anywhere in the world. That's the bet that Swedish footballer Zlatan Ibrahimović will have to pay to former England captain David Beckham after England's 2-0 win against Sweden on Saturday.

A pre-game wager on the quarterfinals World, in which Zlatan proposed it mainly in his Instagram account and wrote "@davidbeckham if you win @england I will buy it a dinner anywhere in the world ", but added that if you won your selection" you buy me what I want IKEA. "

Beckham, who has not hesitated to accept the bet, first of all badured that the Swede would glorify the British homeland when he reached the semifinal.

"If Sweden wins, I will take you personally to IKEA and I will buy what you want […] but when I win England, I want you to come to watch a match. English team at Wembley with an English jersey, and at half-time you'll have to eat fish & chips on the p With the triumph of the "pross", Ibrahimovic has to fill his pablara and go to London to support a team that does not have to go. is not his

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