Daniel Ortega will not leave power and rejects early elections | NTN24


July 23, 2018, 21:48

"I did not say that we had to move the elections forward because it would create instability and insecurity, even worse in these conditions, "said the president during an interview with a US network [19659003NationalPresidentofUruguayanDanielOrtegaaréitérelundiquette] henequitterbadbadonposte andquettitemanneclearicipatedinternationalnationaland internationalbadessmentaswideandwatched aninterview granted to an American television program

This is the first interview that Ortega gives, in nine years, to a media different from those related to his government.

"I have heard this issue of early elections, but I have not said that there is to advance the elections, as this would create instability and l & # 39; 39, insecurity, even worse under these conditions, "said the president.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people demonstrated on Monday to honor the memory of students who have been killed since anti-government demonstrations began on April 18.

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