#DatoSF Tremendo! Three championship dates will be played in almost eleven days in a row


Source: StudioFútbol

As we already know, the Pro League has taken control of the dates scheduled for the Ecuadorian championship and last Tuesday they announced the order of the matches so far. [19659002That'sagreatdealofattentionthatisthatthedates67and8maybeplayedconsequentlythismeansthatthereisnationalfootballballnearlyintwoconsecutiveweek

From Friday, August 24th to Mondayth 3 In September there will be at least one match of the tournament, with the exception of only two days

View the detailed schedule:

Date 6

  • Friday, August 24: Macará vs Técnico U.
  • Saturday, August 25: GYE City against LDU, Independiente against El Nacional
  • Sunday, August 26: Aucas vs Barcelona, ​​U Católica vs Emelec, D Cuenca vs. Delfin.
  • Monday, August 27: Not parties

Date 7

  • Tuesday, August 28: LDU c. Independiente [19659] 008] Wednesday, August 29: El Nacional against D. Cuenca, Delfín against U Católica, U against Gye City, Emelec against Aucas
  • Thursday, August 30: Barcelona against Macará
  • Friday, August 31: No play.

Date 8

  • Saturday 1st September: U Católica vs. El Nacional, Aucas vs. Delfin.
  • Sunday 2 September: Macará vs. Emelec, Independiente vs. Técnico U, Barcelona vs GYE City
  • Monday, September 3: D Basin vs LDU

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